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Long Range Transportation Plan

Destination 2045 Plan Site

Are we there yet? Destination 2045 Sets the Path for the Next 20+ Years.

Learn more about the future of transportation in the Ozarks and our long range transportation plan, Destination 2045.

Every five years the Ozarks Transportation Organization undertakes an update of the region’s Long Range Transportation Plan, looking to assess regional transportation needs for, at least, the next twenty years. The OTO Long Range Transportation Plan serves as the metropolitan transportation plan as described in Federal law. Extensive public input is incorporated into the process, while background data and trends help form the basis for plan recommendations. The current plan, Destination 2045, projects population and employment, as well as travel demands, to the year 2040.

Visit the Destination 2045 Plan Development site to watch how we put the pieces together.

View the Destination 2045 immersive experience to explore the adopted plan.

Destination 2045

Destination 2045 is the 5-year update to the Ozark Transportation Organization’s Long Range Transportation Plan. This plan looks to 2045 to determine transportation needs and priorities throughout the region. Solidified with public input, the OTO looks forward to implementing this plan during the five years until the next update.

The Plan was originally approved at the September 16, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting.

Destination 2045 as Amended 1/16/2025

Major Thoroughfare Plan

Design Standards

Street Typology Development

Destination 2045 recommended that the OTO develop street typologies to introduce flexibility into the Design Standards and to encourage more complete streets. A working group of OTO members will develop recommendations to take to the Technical Planning Committee and the Board of Directors.

Street Typology

Working Group Meetings


We periodically amend the Plan. Each amendment provides an opportunity for public input.

The Public Participation Plan outlines when an Amendment requires public input and adoption through the OTO Board of Directors and when OTO staff can administratively modify the Plan. These administrative modifications are shared at the next available Technical Planning Committee and Board meetings.

Performance Measures Reports

Starting in 2017, the format of the OTO Performance Measures Report was revised and the latest version can be found on the State of Transportation page.


See the LRTP in Action

In order to demonstrate the principles stated in the Plan, Ozarks Transportation Organization created visualizations showing the impact improvements can have to the transportation system and surrounding land uses. Originally created for Journey 2035, these visualizations continue to be great examples.








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