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North Hwy 13 Corridor Study

What's Happening Now:

Final Concept Report: The design team is currently drafting a final report for North Hwy 13 Corridor Study. This report will summarize public input and detail the engineering work completed to date. This report should be available for public comment in August 2022.

Online Comment Card: Please use this online comment card to submit general feedback to the project team at any point.

Design Alternatives

Five designs have been developed for the Hwy 13 and I-44 interchange and two options were developed for the intersection of Hwy 13 and Farm Rd 94. The project team is currently reviewing feedback collected at public meetings from March 8-21 to determine which designs are most appropriate for the North Hwy 13 Corridor.

Hwy 13 and I-44

  • Alternative #1 - Expanded DDI with Continuous Green T's
  • Alternative #2 - Traditional Diamond w/ Relocated Norton
  • Alternative #3 - Single Point Urban Interchange
  • Alternative #4 - Park Street Interchange w/ Collector-Distributor Roads
  • Alternative #5 - Southbound to Eastbound Flyover

Hwy 13 and Farm Road 94

  • Alternative #6 - Fm Rd 94 J-Turn
  • Alternative #7 - Fm Rd 94 Right In/Right Out

To learn more about the design alternatives, please watch the video below. If you have any comments you wish to share with the project team, please use our online comment card.

Video: Design Alternatives

This approximately 16 minute video explains the seven design alternatives developed for this corridor study. The video also explains how each alternative is expected to perform in the future with higher traffic volumes.

Project Documents

Proposed Design Alternatives

Design Renderings of 'Southbound-to-Eastbound Flyover' Alternative

Full Presentation Video from March 8-21 Virtual Public Meeting

Origin Destination Maps

In the News:

Traffic Study on Hwy 13 in Springfield, KY3, Link to KY3 Video

Traffic jams on Southbound Highway 13 Spur Redesign Proposals, Springfield Daily Citizen, Link to Article

Survey seeks your input on I-44/Route 13 plans, Ozarks First, Link to Article


The existing diverging diamond interchange at I-44 and MO 13 was completed in June 2009. The current configuration was selected to facilitate the large volume of left-turning traffic onto I-44. In conjunction with the construction of the diverging diamond, changes were made at the intersection of Norton Rd, to the north, and Evergreen St and Golden Palace, to the south. Today, the traffic queue exiting WB I-44 extends into mainline I-44 traffic and traffic delays of up to 20 minutes are experienced by SB MO 13 drivers. The goal of this study to identify improvements to the existing interchange or identify alternative interchange designs.

During the first round of public meetings November of 2021, the public shared the many ways congestion along this corridor was impacting their lives. We learned of alternate routes, fatal accidents, recurring congestion, and dangerous traffic queues. The design team have been using these local insights, along with hard traffic numbers, to identify different approaches to addressing these issues. These design alternatives will be reviewed by the public during the project's second round of public meetings.

Community Meeting Schedule:

Community Open House: November 17, 2021

Feedback on Design Alternatives: In-Person: Tuesday, March 8 and Virtual: Tuesday, March 8 through Monday, March 21

Project Completion: August 2022

Project Boundaries:

This study focuses on the Hwy 13 Corridor, from Farm Road 94 to Kearney St.

Project Sponsors:

This project is funded by:

  • Ozarks Transportation Organization
  • City of Springfield
  • Greene County

Project Cost:

The budget for this planning study is $295,000.

If you have any comments you wish to share with the project team, please use our online comment card.

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